Monday, July 27, 2009

Let's see, a certain WHITE radio announcer makes a "racist" remark and he looses his job. A certain WHITE sports player makes a remark and he has to apologies and on and on it goes. A certain President makes a racist remark about the "stupidity" of police officers and NOTHING is said about an apology by the press, the ACLU, etc, he justifies it by saying his choice of words was wrong. Hum, does this tell you anything about racism in America? Probably not since most Americans believe the only wrong done in this country is by WHITE people. So much for political correctness!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Look Who Is Talking

I was just thinking....
Imagine the stupidity of thinking you can "make" money and just pass it around to everyone. Imagine the brutishness of the public thinking that Washington D. C. (Who is broke) can supply thousands of towns, cities and states with money to repair roads, fix up buildings, paint bridges, etc. If you think this is "spreading around the weath" you have a BIG surprise coming my friend. If you think you can give money to people who don't work or won't work and there will still be plenty of it, you are going to get the shock of your life when you finally wake up from your dream world you are living in.
You are living in a generation far removed from a good work ethic. The average worker today thinks he/she DESERVES more than they are getting. They believe they DESERVE money from Washington. They believe they should work shorter hours but get MORE money.
Can you imagine an elected official (Congress for instance) who would be upset because of what AIG did with the money they received while these same hypocrites vote themselves an AUTOMATC pay raise. They are making around 175.000 dollars a year now, plus benefits, and do not pay workman's compensation, etc, and they are upset at AIG - ISN'T THAT THE KETTLE CALLING THE POT BLACK?
Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931-2005) a Southern Baptist preacher is quoted as saying,

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

WOW! I could not have said it better. America is on its way to desolation and Washington and its leader will take you there. Whatever tune the Pied Piper is playing you will march to it because you really believe we will "borrow" our way out of debt! I was just thinking...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dunking The Ball - Show Off Time

Have you ever watched a basketball game and listened to the announcer praise (like Dickie V - yuk!) a player cause he can "slam dunk" the ball? I think it is rather silly myself! Sure, look at it this way, for most of these players dunking a ball is no big deal - no really. When Mr. Naismith developed (invented, etc) the game (1891) the average height of an American male was around 67 to 69 inches (5' 7" to 5' 8"). For years that seemed to be the way the game was and dunking wasn't even thought of because in many cases it takes "steps" to accomplish this and that, in my day, would have been traveling. (Street basketball changed that!) Anyway, even though the average height is still around the same today basketball teams are not made up of average height men. We import them from all over the world so we can get the tallest men and forget that some of the best players were average height. Wojciechowski, Duke Blue Devils, was an acception to this rule, but then he was over 5' 9" (5' 11").
Here's a quote for you from Ken Pomeroy ( "Only two percent of college basketball players seeing minutes this season are 5’9” or less." Think of that, talk about prejudice there it is for you in "black" and "white". So what is my point? Simple, if we have changed the rules of the games (carrying the ball, running three steps before dunking, etc), why not raise the height of the basket, make them work for the points. If the average height (check it out) is around 6' 7" and with a reach of around 30+" above the head, they are only 12 inches or less from the basket rim. So raise it to 11 feet and then dunking will really be an art rather than a show-off. I was just thinking...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is He Registered?

There was(pre-election) a lot of "chatter" about Mr. Obama not registering for the selective service and the mystery man appears to have "hidden" all the information again. Of course, I did not realize that Kenyans had to register for military service in America! Remember former President Bill Clinton (my age)? Well, he registered but took a little trip to avoid the draft. Several years later he became president (twice) because a bunch of draft dodgers and ignorant America's voted for him. So, why all the fuse about a man who cannot produce a COLB and doesn't appear to have registered for the selective service? America is now under the control of the most liberal left wing cabinet known in the history of man (Well, may be Hitler's "cabinet" was further left, but if I remember correctly it was all men). An it has for a President a man who has a more mysterious past than Martin Luther King (The FBI records investigating his "communist side" is sealed to who knows when.) and NO one is willing (News Media) to pursue it or maybe they cannot!
Anyway, what difference does it make if he did not register, he would have exempted himself anyway under religious convictions I'm sure (Or sure he once thought of joining!).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A few years ago I applied for a visa, passport, etc, to make a trip to the Philippines with a friend of mine. I had to get a bunch of shots, (ouch) and make some plans. When I applied for my passport I had to send in the "original" copy of my COLB (you know what that is - right) not a copy, not a facsimile, the ORIGINAL. Just suppose I had told them, "Hey, just take my word for it I was born in the United States, just ask my friends they will vouch for me!" Do you suppose that I would have received a passport? I'll give you three guesses and the first four don't count! You might say, "Hey, Ed, no one in their right mind would even think to try that!" (Oh you had better be careful you might be "bashing" someone!)
A few years back I applied for a CCW (CPL) and guess what, yep you guessed it. I suppose I could have told them "look I've lived in Michigan since 1956 and I was born in --, Ohio, just take my word for it or you can ask my friends" and you know what would have happen - okay, three guesses (oh you've heard that one)... Nope, it would not matter what I told them, it would not matter if they had seen it before, in order for me to get any kind of a government issued (yes even when you join the military) paper I MUST have a COLB. Which reminds me, did Mr. Obama ever come up with a COLB? This must be part of the "change" he promised us. Hey, the next time they want to see my COLB I'll just tell them to contact Mr. Obama and he'll verify that it really isn't necessary even if the CONSTITUTION says so.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I was just thinking... The man serving as our President (note I didn't say he was, just serving as) made fun of the Bible while he was campaigning for the office of President. Yet when he was sworn in he did so, as least we are told so, on the Bible Abraham Lincoln used. (Not that he necessarily believes in the same God as Lincoln did.) As I was thinking about this I remembered reading a remark Mrs. Abigail Adams, wife of our second President John Adams, made in a letter to her friend Mercy Warren in 1775. She said,
A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest Man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations bind, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a patriot who, by openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of Society? . . . . The Scriptures tell us "righteousness exalteth a Nation.
Hold the phone Mabel, what did she just say? Did I read that correctly? (Keep in mind that when she uses the word "religion" she is not speaking of Baptist, Methodist, etc., she is speaking of a relationship with God.) Then about 85% of Congress, including the House Of Representatives and the White House, are not patriots they are "pretenders" who are undermining the very foundation that has held our country together these past 200 and some years. God give us more women like Abigail Adams and Mercy Warren. God give us men like John Adams. So, you can count on America being destroyed from the "inside" out, as Washington D.C. is determined to get rid of anything that resembles righteousness and true holiness. Do not be fooled by the man posing as President or those who are trying to change marriage, gender identity and whatever other wicked thing they tell you is "change." I was just thinking...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I was thinking...Oh boy this one is certainly to be troublesome to many readers. Sometime back (you know when) some boys from Detriot "fly" to Washington D.C. to "beg" for some money to keep their factories afloat, so they say. (Or was it to be sure they had enough money to pay them the 7 figure salary they get each year?) Imagine you running to Washington and telling them that you are going to lose your house, your car, your boat, your four-wheeler, etc, and expecting them to even debate the issue. (Oh just hold your lip until I get done.) I have lived in Michigan since 1956 (minus a stint in USAF and 3 years of college). I have watched this industry as it grew and grew and paid the workers more money (Union doings) and increased the pay of the excutives until the price of cars got way beyond the means of many in this state (and lots of other states). To afford a car you now have to get a 5 to 6 years loan, paying twice for something worth less than half of it's sticker value. Oh, my point! Sure I guess it's about time. Just suppose the salary of the excutives (CEO's etc) was a 6 figure number and less than $500,000 a year (with no jet, etc), and that the employees were paid a good wage, you know enough to live on, say, oh I don't know, maybe $15.00 to $20.00 an hour and certain benefits with limitations. (Just hold your horses!) Then let's drop the cost of the overpriced vehicle about $10,000 dollars and make it a product that the foreigner's could not compete with (Sure it's possible they just want the money)! See, when the average family in my area is making less than $22,000.00 a year and they have a house mortage and a family to feed, a $19,000.00 car (worth less than $9,000.00) is going to sit at the dealership and rot! Imagine where they would be if they had put something like this into effect, oh let's say 10 years ago. They would have been selling vehicles thus producing jobs, thus putting money into the coffers, thus keeping the business afloat. Be sure of this, no "loan" from Washington is going to save the auto industry until they make some changes within the companies themselves. Besides where is Washington getting this money? Correct, right out of your back pocket - maybe they should have given you $20,000 to buy a vehicle thus stimulating the economy - oh that was the last post sorry. I was just thinking...

Friday, February 6, 2009

I was just thinking...what does it mean to "stimulate" the economy? I suppose it depends on who you are asking. Strange isn't it, if I'm giving away YOUR money it doesn't bother me as to how it is done or how much of it I give away. However, I'm not as willing to give away MY money. Let me get this straight a person pays in "x" amount of money (taxes) each year and you (Congress, etc) decide that in order to help him pay his house payment or buy a new boat you are going to give him back "part" of it (The "y" factor). But you (Congress, etc) are trillions of dollars in debt (hum) and YOUR/OUR debt is growing from special funding, like $8 million, to study such things as "...what is the best way to fund a reparation account." But, you are going to give me back some money, which I gave you and yet you really do not have it (Oh yes, I remember now multiplying two negatives makes a positive - sure how foolish of me). And the purpose is so we can "stimulate" the economy! Of course those who will not WORK (note the words "will not," not those who lost a job) will also get this "stimulating money" - hum! It is hard to believe that we actually elected these people to Congress - but we did! Of course when you consider that the current administration thinks we ought to "share the wealth" then you can understand why giving you money is considered "stimulating." I was just thinking...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

If the "former" governor of Illinois (Blagojevich) was really guilty (we all know how you can fix recordings, pictures, etc) how is it that the former holder of the office he "supposedly" try to sell isn't guilty of taking money from a known enemy as well as lying about his citizenship? It seems pretty obvious that the press and the FBI, etc., needed a scapegoat so...well you know how the government operates. I was just thinking....