Monday, January 25, 2010

Exploiting Our Children - Part I

I'm not sure if this will be a multi-part blog or not but it probably will be. Over the past year I have read several articles on the Internet, from various newspapers, blogs, major networks, etc, about how children (under aged - below 18) are used as models, etc, and yet the sites are anything but that. So I decided to do some "surfing" and just see what was really going on.

I want to explain to you that in raising our children (2 girls and 5 boys) we NEVER permitted them to walk around the house in their underwear. The girls had to have a house coat on if they had on their Pj's and the boys were NOT allowed to go around without a shirt on. I'll give you two reasons although there are more. 1.) I did not, nor did my boys, need to see my girls half dressed! 2.) Biblically it is wrong for a man to look upon the nakedness of his "kin". (Read Leviticus 18). With that thought out of the way let's proceed.

[For those of you who would brand someone a pedophile and at the same time let your daughter wear a bathing suit or a bikini to the public beach, WMCA, etc, just how does that differ from the "preteen pages on the net?" Don't give me your excuse about "bathing suits are different" - how is it they different on the net? Oh, I'm sorry did I offend you? And NO we did not go to the public beach and my girls and boys never wore just a suit, they had to have on a pair of shorts and a top OVER the bathing suit. IF we went it was to a private area with just our family or maybe a friends pool who was not using it at that time. (I'm sorry if you think I'm a prude - tough apples, I tried to practice what I preached. Some of you don't like the exploiting of children on the net, but YOU exploit them yourself! Okay I'm done.)]

Let me say first that I do not recommend everyone to do this. I was shocked at what I discovered. Basically there are three types of sites out there. First: those that indeed use children as models; no inappropriate dress; or inappropriate "poses." Second: those that use children (especially girls) in suggestive poses, etc, wearing clothing most girls do not wear. (I refrain from details here.) Third: Those that pose as sites but are trying to be hero's and "catch the pedophiles." They pose as a site with nakedness, etc, and then will warn you that your computer number has been kept and call you a pedophile. (I only saw two, but that was enough.) I will not explain how these searches are made as I am NOT suggesting anyone do this, especially you ladies - you will be upset. Of course there is no reason a dad should not be upset - unless... okay I"ve said enough on that.

When I began this search I had NO idea what was there and I must admit I am shocked that it is permitted under any "supposed" right, liberty or reason. As I view these sites I could not help but think, "what if that were my granddaughter?" I'll tell you I would be MAD. The supreme court of this nation has made laws so vague, concerning nudity, etc, that much that goes on is "somewhat" protected and even if it is not most of it will probably never be stopped - at least at this point.

Now here is the amazing thing, many of these sites (I didn't go through them all) declare that there is "no nudity or nakedness" and some of them will state that the parents gave their permission for these children to be photographed (I imagine there was a nice chunk of money involved in this transaction) and while it was true, there was none, the poses these little girls (some as young as 8) were ANYTHING but lady like and had NOTHING to do with modeling clothes, shoes, hats, etc. Also, they were often dressed in things that most little girls NEVER wear. (Tell me what a 10, 11, 12, etc, years old girls is doing modeling a pair of thigh-high stockings? That is enough on that subject.)

As I said some of the sights were legit at what they did, nothing wrong with taking picture of children properly dressed and not in suggestive poses (If you don't know what that means ask someone else.) Just a side note here. I also gathered from several sites I viewed that many of these children are from European countries and I believe the reason is the money is appealing and the laws might not be as ridged.

I think I will stop here for now and post some more later. Again, I do NOT suggest that you go looking, it is worse than I thought. It is no wonder there are such people as pedophiles. And for those who might read this and think everyone looking at these site is a pedophile, you are totally misunderstanding what such a person is. I promise you I had NO desire to contact anyone, save their pictures, etc. I was bascially shocked, and upset at what is permitted.

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