Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is He Registered?

There was(pre-election) a lot of "chatter" about Mr. Obama not registering for the selective service and the mystery man appears to have "hidden" all the information again. Of course, I did not realize that Kenyans had to register for military service in America! Remember former President Bill Clinton (my age)? Well, he registered but took a little trip to avoid the draft. Several years later he became president (twice) because a bunch of draft dodgers and ignorant America's voted for him. So, why all the fuse about a man who cannot produce a COLB and doesn't appear to have registered for the selective service? America is now under the control of the most liberal left wing cabinet known in the history of man (Well, may be Hitler's "cabinet" was further left, but if I remember correctly it was all men). An it has for a President a man who has a more mysterious past than Martin Luther King (The FBI records investigating his "communist side" is sealed to who knows when.) and NO one is willing (News Media) to pursue it or maybe they cannot!
Anyway, what difference does it make if he did not register, he would have exempted himself anyway under religious convictions I'm sure (Or sure he once thought of joining!).

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